You work right alongside some of the best humans this world has to offer

Mike Curtis
The You Design System
Sent as a


3 min readFeb 1, 2022
Photo from Pixabay

A few years ago, I put in my two-week notice.

You never quite know how those two weeks will go. Sometimes you’re balancing awkward conversations or tip-toeing around your next opportunity. You might go to lunch with your team or count the days you can walk out and never look back. It’s always an interesting two weeks, isn’t it?

But on this particular occasion, something happened to me that I will never forget.

First, some context. I loved the teams in this company. Everyone from the product team, to UX, leadership, and marketing — I struggled something awful with my decision to move forward in my career. I knew it was time but didn’t want to go. Nonetheless, I was moving on.

On my last day, I did my rounds of “good-byes”. There were hugs, well-wishes, and lunch together with many of my favorite people.

Then came the time to “gather up my things” and head out. Upon putting the last few items in a box, I walked over to a few more teammates and told them how great it had been working with them — you know, the usual stuff you might say.

But then, they did something most unusual.

“Mike”, one of them said as I stood there, box in hand. A few of them gathered around me.

“There’s no way you’re walking down that hall, going down the elevator, and out the front door without us walking with you. We’re coming with you so you don’t have to do this alone”, they asserted.

Hard to explain the feeling that came over me. Impossible to say anything because of the lump in my throat. In my mind, I thought, “Who does this? Who are these people?”

But that’s exactly what they did. They were my entourage from the hall, to the elevator, to the doors. They sought no fanfare or outward praise for what they were doing, nor do I believe that had anything to do with it.

What I witnessed were solid, genuine, thoughtful, kind human beings. Human beings who recognized the difficulty and inner struggle I battled in leaving. Friends and colleagues who stayed after-hours, chatted with their teammate, and made sure it was the least lonely thing he was about to do.

I held back the tears in the building, but you’d better believe they came streaming just as soon as I was in my car. It was hard to hold back with the level of kindness I had just witnessed.

I don’t know if you recognize it, but you work right alongside some of the best human beings this world has to offer. I guarantee you, if you seek to get to know them, honestly care about them, pay attention to them, and find ways to lift them up, you’ll find this to be true in more ways than you know.

Rarely a day goes by that I don’t think about this company. Not because of their revenue, not because of the perks in the cafeteria, and not because of my salary or what I did for them. No, I think about them often because of what the individuals inside that company did for me.

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Uncle Mikey helps amplify people and products through human-centered design. With 21+ years of experience in design, marketing, e-commerce, and UX, his passion is helping people & businesses apply their skills to the way they’re experienced by others. Connect with him on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, or follow his writing on Medium.



Mike Curtis
The You Design System

Senior UX Designer / New articles weekly on design & self-improvement / Helping you design the "UX of You" / 22+ years in design, marketing, & sales.