You’re the Primary Stakeholder of How Others Experience You

12 mindset principles to attract opportunities into your life.

Mike Curtis
The You Design System


a woman punching the camera, light and energy in the background
The right opportunities will come when you’re prepared to seize them.

What It Means to Be the Primary Stakeholder

If I could offer you one concept that stands as a cornerstone of securing the right opportunities for you, and allowing you to flourish in them, it would be this: Understanding that you are an experience. This is not just some silly notion I came up with in my basement office — it is a powerful strategy that, when mastered, will significantly influence your career trajectory.

You are the primary stakeholder of your job search.

You are the primary stakeholder of how you present yourself to the world.

You are the primary stakeholder of how others experience you.

Being the primary stakeholder means recognizing that you have the utmost responsibility for and control over how you present yourself to the professional world. Just as a company carefully manages its brand to appeal to a target audience, you must similarly manage “the brand of you”.

This includes how you communicate, your online presence, your resume, and every interaction you have within your network and beyond.

  • Primary stakeholders…



Mike Curtis
The You Design System

Senior UX Designer / New articles weekly on design & self-improvement / Helping you design the "UX of You" / 22+ years in design, marketing, & sales.