Crafting the perfect token launchpad

MiKi Digital
MiKi Blockchain
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2023

Our client

A startup wanting to launch a token came to us after no success with the last technical team. The go-to-market date was close, so we had to fit tight deadlines while still adhering to our strict standards

Project description 💻

We had almost no time, but still had to build a scalable, blazing-fast, and secure token launchpad. We picked the perfect toolset to allow for fast but error-free development like TypeScript — a typed language for web development and Solidity — the industry standard for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. To save the client money, we also leveraged Serverless — a cloud computing concept when you only pay for the number of invocations, not the server runtime. Since most of our users were in Korea, using Serverless helped us save about 80% on backend infrastructure costs.

From day one, we’ve been able to churn out features fast, thanks to our world-class developers and smart technology choices. This allowed us to build a fault-tolerant and cost-efficient app. We wisely chose our deployment provider — Vercel, a leading cloud provider with built-in analytics and speed insights. This allowed us to monitor our website and backend performance in real-time.

Frontend analytics. Those aren’t taken from the real website
Frontend speed insights. Those aren’t taken from the real website

Due to our extensive expertise in auditing smart contracts, we wrote truly secure Solidity code approved by Certik — a leading security-focused ranking platform to analyze and monitor blockchain projects.

During the public sale, our team worked round the clock to answer users' questions and fix urgent bugs. Thankfully, during the launch, no bugs were identified by users, so we can call it a success 💯

The result 🤝

We’ve enabled our clients to launch the perfect launchpad and hit all the targets. Continuing to work in close collaboration with the client, now we’re developing an NFT marketplace together!

This is just a brief description of the project — read part two for a detailed technical breakdown
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