chichibu camping

small adventure



6.09 - 6.11, 2017 | 15 YO | FUJI X-T2

Before I returned to L.A. and Sam + Koen went to Bellingham, Washington for the summer we wanted to go camping; something we wanted for a while but never got to do due to such busy months. We drove North West to a campsite in Chichibu, Saitama Prefrecture right beside a major river of Tokyo. We stayed for 2 nights, Lauren joining us for the second day where us kids slept in the tent and Corey + Lauren staying in a cabin. It was a peaceful two days, filled with swimming and good food.


My post of the entire 3 month trip is below.


Water | 荒川

Despite the cold, we spent a lot of time in the waters; jumping off rocks, floating down stream, and swimming against the current. And because it’s such a relevant river tourists flowed down 5 times every hour.



Camp Site | キャンプ場

The next day Lauren met us at our campsite and spent the second day and night with us.



For this post I felt unnatural writing in English and wrote primarily in Japanese and more details in Japanese. Probably because describing nature makes more sense in Japanese.

Fire Work | 花火

