Small steps: the very first Mikron real-life purchase was made

We all know the famous story about a Florida guy named Laszlo Hanyecz, who ordered a takeout pizza and paid 10.000 Bitcoins for it, nearly a decade ago. His name and the story of the purchase has forever been enshrined in the cryptocurrency history.

Mikron has also passed a small, but important milestone in the history of its development. The very first product was purchased with mikrons: a dark blue T-shirt.

The T-shirt was a merchandise item at the web store of one of our partners. The popular Hungarian website integrated the Mikron loyalty system two weeks ago. All the users that had standard loyalty points before the implementation of Mikron received certain amounts of mikron cryptocurrency, so no users were left unsatisfied. also enabled the purchase of certain merchandise items paid by mikrons and very soon, the first shopper has arrived. The dark blue T-shirts price was 535 mikrons, which is worth 5.35 Euros now.

Mikron is designed to change the world of user rewarding, loyalty systems and community building. With Mikron integrated into a website, users are able to gain mikron cryptocurrency in exchange for certain activities (sharing, writing a comment, etc.). For more details, please visit our website:



Mikron — Retain, engage, and reward your audience

Mikron is a blockchain solution made for retaining, engaging and rewarding your online audience —