Museums gems in Milano

We are about to tell you some hidden gems in Milano to be more precise we will tell you about museums that are underrated like the Studio Museo Achille Castiglioni and others.

Delasalle François
Milan 101
5 min readDec 4, 2022


In this article by Delasalle François / Baccon Thomas / Chan Thomas / Meyvaert Anne, we present you with a non-exhaustive list of underrated museums in the economic capital of Italy.

We want to start with the Studio Museo Achille Castiglioni.

Piazza Castello, 27, 20121 Milano MI, Italie

This museum has been open to the public since January 2006. Visitors can learn more about the techniques used by Achille Castiglioni, along with his brothers Livio and Pier Giacomo, starting in 1940. These methods were based on both craftsmanship and a rational application of creativity to design, urbanism and architecture. It this museum there is one room of the Studio Museum that is dedicated to prototypes and models, while another space features drawing boards and various other curiosities.

The museum has a lot of reviews, more generally very, very good reviews. The studio is well preserved and beautifully conveys Castiglioni’s playful and creative spirit. People say it’s Sublime, of a very high class made in Italy. It is a visit of more than an hour and a half full of memories, analyzes and perspectives and that for only 15€.

The museum is rated 4.8/5 on sites like TripAdvisor.

You can access the museum at the time :

Monday: Close / Tuesday: 10:00am — 1:00pm / Wednesday:10:00am — 1:00pm / Thursday: 10:00am — 1:00pm / Friday: 10:00am — 1:00pm / Saturday: Close / Sunday: Close

Next we want to talk about the Museo delle Illusioni Milano.

Via Luigi Settembrini, 11,20124 Milano

Welcome to the fascinating world of illusions. Thrilled yet bewildered you will enter a world that will blow your mind but also give you an opportunity to learn all sorts of things… come and visit us! It is sure to be an amazing and unimaginable experience because whatever you see, especially here in the Museum of Illusions, is not what it appears to be. You are offered an in intriguing, visual, sensory and educational experience. It’s a social and entertaining tour into the world of illusions which has delighted all generations!

If you don’t know what to do on your week-end, it’s time to go to this museum. The visit is about 1 hour late and there are many different things to see. However, the price is a bit expensive for the time spent there we talk about 18€ for an adult and 12€ for kids. It’s a good experience.

The museum is rated 3,5/5 on different advice’s sites.

You can access the museum at the time :

Monday: 10:00am–8:00pm/ Tuesday: 10:00am–8:00pm/ Wednesday: 10:00am–8:00pm/ Thursday: 10:00am–8:00pm/ Friday: 10:00am–9:00pm/ Saturday: 10:00am–9:00pm/ Sunday: 10:00am–9h00pm

Next there is the ancient Museo civico di storia naturale

Corso Venezia, 55, 20121 Milano

We found on the internet this museum that seemed so interesting, it put forward its archaeological side “the discovery of the dinosaurs” which was founded in 1838 when naturalist Giuseppe de Cristoforis donated his collections to the city. The course of this exhibition allowed us to learn a lot more about their way of life, and their behavior towards other dinosaurs.
When we arrived, we were very surprised by the variety of things to discover, so we highly recommend this exciting visit.

Arriving on site, we were very surprised by the variety of things to discover, so we highly recommend this exciting visit. The beginning of this route started with a room full of stones of different colors. It was beautiful and we were curious to know where these stones came from. Afterwards we went to a room that showed the dinosaurs in detail, and really explained their way of life and how they survived in the wild. We cannot imagine that these creatures were present on earth before us, it intrigued us. We can say that without them, we would not be here today. Then we spent a lot of time in the rooms which presented the different stuffed animals in their life scenes. It was really essential to discover, the sets were really realistic and very well designed. The wildlife has been depicted in everyday life, running, hunting, eating, bathing, so it really feels like being in nature among them. As we progressed, we could see lots of insects from different families and more or less gigantic sea animals.

This museum is impressive and informative for only 5€, what we appreciated was that there were few visitors and therefore we were able to analyze and photograph freely. We weren’t in a hurry, we were able to enjoy examining each piece.

The museum is rated 4,4/5 on different advice’s sites.

You can access the museum at the time :

Monday: Close/ Tuesday: 10:00am–5:30pm/ Wednesday: 10:00am–5:30pm/Thursday: 10:00am–5:30pm/ Friday: 10:00am–5:30pm/Saturday: 10:00am–5:30pm/Sunday: 10:00am–5:30pm

To finish with we want to talk about the MUBA Museo dei Bambini Milano :

Via Enrico Besana, 12, 20122 Milano MI, Italie

MUBA is a center for the development and dissemination of cultural projects devoted to childhood. Through constant research and quality work, wishes to promote in children an open outlook on the world. It has been the first museum in Milan to propose great exhibitions, unique for dimensions and number of visitors. In there you can find different workshops and experiments that are designed for children but not only them, adults also can learn from them.

Since today’s children will be tomorrow’s adults, the museum builds its future thinking that culture and creativity contribute to the social and individual well-being.

Most opinions say that not only that their children were pleased but parents were as well. Guides are well prepared and kind. Installations are designed so that it arouses children’s curiosity and so that they can touch, move, experiment and have fun for a price range between 8 and 10€.

The museum is rated 3,5/5 on different advice’s sites.

You can access the museum at the time :

Monday: Close / Tuesday:Close / Wednesday:Close / Thursday:Close / Friday: Close / Saturday: 10:00 am — 5:30 pm/Sunday: 10:00 am — 5:30 pm

Thank you for reading this article, we hope that you learned some interesting things about the museums in Milano and we hope that you will be going to some. Never forget to keep to curiosity open and keep looking to underrated things you might find some gems and then share it with us then ;)

