Minoring in Twitter: PF Chang’s, Willy Wonka and Walter White

Sam Dykstra
MiLB.com’s PROSPECTive Blog
3 min readAug 17, 2013

By dannywild2013

By Danny Wild


Word to the wise, says Reno’s Charles Brewer: beware Chinese food during the baseball season. I would have to argue that, since we here at MiLB.com frequently get visits from the Chelsea Golden Wok delivery guy and we’ve mostly survived dozens, even hundreds of games later in the week:

Worth noting that Brewer Tweeted that on Aug. 9, a day after he held Memphis to a pair of runs over eight innings for the win in relief. It’s unclear when PF Chang’s was visited.

We really should just change the name of this blog to, “What are Minor Leaguers eating?”

That said — a Willy Wonka reference — I think this is probably the only time I can roll out a Wonka meme:


Jeremy Barfield is a frequent guest here on the blog, but we’ve yet to go into his relationship with his dad and former Major Leaguer, Jesse:

Joe Ross, as Syracuse outfielder Jeff Kobernus points out, only actually plays baseball once in a while — 20 times, this season, to be specific. Meanwhile, Kobernus has appeared in 309 at-bats over 79 Triple-A games, plus 15 games in the Majors with Washington. Guy has a point:

Cue up Kevin Millar screaming, “Got heeeem” — here’s Portland’s Terry Doyle calling out Red Sox №4 prospect Henry Owens on the Sea Dogs Express:

Sad stuff here, Phillies prospect Jon Pettitbone was denied the dramatic Walter White-Hank Shrader garage throwdown on the highly anticipated Breaking Bad premiere Sunday night. Tread lightly, Jon:

Nationals №13 prospect Zach Walters brings us this thought:


I won’t mention the response Lansing’s Ben White received to this tweet, but…



Cody Decker Tweet of the Week

I don’t even know what this means.

Nick Rickles (great name) plays for Class A Beloit in the Oakland system, and if a hotel cleaning crew is the worst part of his life, the guy has it pretty easy:

Yeah, OK — first of all, the drill at the dentist? When you’re stuck sitting there and you know it’s not going to get any more pleasant? That. Hearing someone vomit. Crying babies you can’t get away from. The old reliable fingers-on-chalkboard. Vuvuzelas. People screaming over each other about DNA tests on Maury. That guy sitting near you who has to listen to every single ringtone on his phone at full volume. The fire alarm in my college residence hall. Gary Cohen’s voice during Mets games (Kidding. But not really).

Chipotle Tweets of the Week

Mets prospect Darin Gorski may have a career as a franchisee if this baseball stuff doesn’t pan out:

Just go to Sonic.

But WHAT!? Robby Rowland? The first Minor Leaguer in the history of Minor Leaguers on Twitter, talking down on Chipotle? Lock your doors, Rob …

Finally, I’m guessing this wasn’t actually an Altoona Curve promotion and more of just, like, hey — our players live at Chipotle, stop by maybe:



Sam Dykstra
MiLB.com’s PROSPECTive Blog

Reporter with @MiLB. Boston University alum. Western Mass. native. Lover of Dunkin, Tom Hanks films and Twain.