Assam’s Courageous Defender

The Significance of Lachit

Chinmay Kumar Choudhury
Miles Apart
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2024


Guardian of Assam’s Spirit

Photo by Sandip Roy on Unsplash

In the land where the Brahmaputra flows,
Where legends are spun and courage grows,
There lived a warrior, bold and true,
Whose name in history forever flew.

Lachit Borphukan, a name revered,
In Assam’s heart, his legend steered.
A guardian of the land, he stood tall,
Defending its honour, at every call.

Born to the soil, with valour imbued,
His spirit resolute, his courage renewed.
From youth, he learned the art of war,
With every battle, his legend soared.

In the heart of Assam, he was raised,
In the songs of the wind, his name praised.
With sword in hand and fire in his eyes,
He vowed to protect, under the open skies.

Against invaders, he stood as a shield,
His determination firm, his bravery revealed.
From the banks of the Brahmaputra to the hills so high,
He fought for Assam, without a sigh.

With each passing day, his legend soared,
As tales of his valour spread once more.
In every battle, he led the charge,
With resolute resolve, he emerged large.

The Mughals trembled at the mention of his name,
For Lachit Borphukan played no game.
He fought with honour, he fought with strength,
To defend his land, he was always at length.

Lachit’s love for Assam ran deep,
In his heart, its beauty did seep.
He fought not for glory or fame,
But to protect his people, their honour to claim.

In the darkest hour, when all seemed lost,
Lachit stood firm, whatever the cost.
With his army by his side, he faced the foe,
His determination a mighty flow.

Through rivers and valleys, he led the way,
His soldiers following, without delay.
For they knew in Lachit's hands, they were safe,
Their faith in him, no one could chafe.

With strategy and skill, he outwitted his foes,
His every move, a masterful prose.
In the Battle of Saraighat (1671), he made his stand,
And drove the invaders from his land.

With his sword held high and his spirit unbroken,
Lachit Borphukan's legacy was spoken.
For he was more than just a warrior brave,
He was the guardian of Assam, its soul to save.

Let his name echo through the ages,
In the annals of time, on history’s pages.
For Lachit Borphukan, the hero of Assam’s lore,
Shall be remembered forevermore.

Thank you for taking the time to read my poem celebrating the legendary Lachit Borphukan and the spirit of Assam. Your engagement and encouragement mean the world to me and inspire me to continue creating meaningful poems. Thank you for being a part of this journey!

