Behind Every Mile Earned — Domi

Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2021

At Miles, our team members are the key players that help you get rewarded for all your travel. Without them, Miles would not be where it is today, and we want to take the time to highlight the fantastic work that they do while putting a familiar face to the app that you guys know and love.

Today, learn more about Miles through Domi, one of our awesome Data Scientists!

What were you doing before you came to Miles? What brought you here?

“I was a Ph.D. in Astrophysics before joining Miles. Miles is one of the few [companies] I see with great potential to shape the future with a sustainable business model and a tremendous social impact. By creating an economic incentive to optimize the marketing of public services, consumer relationships, and offline marketplaces through ground travel rewards, Miles will further digitize and transform the physical world with geographic-based service.”

Tell us about your role at Miles. What do you do?

“Titled as Data Scientist, I am not bound by digesting data to support decision making on product research, marketing analysis, but also include business strategies and cultural curation. After implementing fraud prevention as the first phase of risk management, I’m forging the ‘full-stack’ recommendation engine with the team to power the best user experience we would like to offer.”

What do you love most about working at Miles?

“Miles is the place to have full ownership of a project, with an unprecedented platform that is creating a new chapter of digital marketing. We are experimenting with a potential new form of collaborative economies that may help solve the problem of sustainability. Miles is not just a company to start a career, but it also has the potential to pursue an ideology.”

What do you have to say to our loyal users?

“Thanks for the trust, support and kindness. Miles is far from our satisfaction but we are on the same page towards a more rewarding platform without dilution on privacy conservation. We are co-founding the future different from attention economies that feed on privacy leakage and information asymmetry. We’re trying our best. I welcome you on board, as a user, ambassador, contributor, investor, and cofounder. Join us, to make it happen!”

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

“I’m writing a hard-core science fiction.”

What are your interests/hobbies? What do you like to do in your free time?

“Public affairs and meetups.”

What’s your next travel destination?

“To the stars.”

