Behind Every Mile Earned — Irene

Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2021

At Miles, our team members are the key players that help you get rewarded for all your travel. Without them, Miles would not be where it is today, and we want to take the time to highlight the fantastic work that they do while putting a familiar face to the app that you guys know and love.

Today, meet Irene, our extraordinary Visual Designer!

What were you doing before you came to Miles? What brought you here?

“I worked as a graphic designer for 4+ years in Indonesia, and then came to the United States to continue my degree on Master of Graphic Design in 2014. Pursuing my dream to be an inspirational visual designer is one of my main goals, and I found Miles as an early startup at that time. To me, this was my biggest opportunity as the first step of my dream. Moreover, I chose a startup company as my focus because I wanted to challenge myself to create their design from zero, and I’ve had so much fun with that so far. But choosing Miles as a company is a different story. I chose Miles because they have a different experience and unique ideas for the product which challenged me even more.”

Tell us about your role at Miles. What do you do?

“My role at Miles is Visual Designer. I work closely with UI/UX, product design, engineering, developer, sales, and marketing growth teams. I pretty much work with all of the teams at Miles. I help to create engaging visuals that bring ideas to life and enhance the user experience. I’m responsible for building creative and unique visual ideas in illustration, icons, infographics, and animations for website and mobile. I work on some UI features on the Miles apps too. I created some designs for Miles’ design promo (posters, billboards, ads, social media, etc.) with some help from the marketing growth team. I also help to give nice looking presentation slides for all of the teams that need it.”

What do you love most about working at Miles?

“I love my role in Miles because I am involved in almost all the teams and it helps me to learn new things everyday. I learned how to be tolerant with others in different work styles and capabilities. Every person in the team inspires me to be a better person and designer. I love the culture that’s developing in here everyday, which makes me happier and healthier working here. Last but not least, this is my favorite part of working at Miles: I have the freedom to create the design that I want to see in Miles.”

What do you have to say to our loyal users?

“As one of the designers here since the first launch, I’ve been reading all kinds of feedback that really helps us grow. Thank you for using Miles and thank you for being patient as Miles develops step by step. We try as best as we can to make you happy. If you are happy using Miles, we are also happy. If you aren’t happy yet, we will keep working to make you happy using Miles. But hey! I’ll be the member who will welcome you aboard on Miles with open arms! :)”

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

“I have an allergy to tequila.”

What are your interests/hobbies? What do you like to do in your free time?

“I’m interested in dogs and orca killer whales. Can anyone suggest to me the best places to see orcas? I also love drawing, cooking, gaming, and traveling. On my free time, I like to be close to nature, spend time with loved ones, try new menus to cook, explore new areas/foods, and propagate my succulents. Anything that isn’t techie life!”

What’s your next travel destination?

“Norway and Santorini.”

