Support Save the Children by Donating Your Miles

Samantha Barton
Published in
1 min readJul 16, 2021

*Last updated at 9:30AM PST on Monday, August 23rd, 2021.*

Help Improve the Lives of Children– Make A Difference With Your Miles

Every child deserves to have a safe and healthy upbringing with access to education. Save the Children is embarking on the mission to provide every child in the world with these human rights. Miles will donate $1 for every 10,000 miles donated, at a maximum donation of 7,500,000 miles. Whether you contribute 100 or 2,500 miles, every little bit helps with providing dignity and well-being to people.

four children with their arms across each other’s shoulders

About Save the Children

Save the Children is a global leader in providing health, education, and protection to young people around the world. By addressing humanitarian crises like refugee situations, famine, and disease, Save the Children looks to lift the next generation into prosperity and happiness.

Want to donate but don’t have the Miles app? Download it here!

