The truth about life

Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2019

& finances

I know absolutely no one who got their finances figured out as soon as they started working. The truth is — or at least, the first of many — life finances are complex and a mess.

When I finished College, I started to have freelance jobs and decided to become independent financially — I was an adult, after all, and it was time to behave like one. Fifteen years later and settled to raise a family myself (well, with a man that happens to be my boyfriend, but that’s another subject), I still ask for my father’s advice on managing my savings and salaries from my acting projects. Now, I’m a really concerned person about making good life choices, financially speaking, and it’s not like I’m not googling all the time the best way to do it. What I genuinely feel is I started too late to understand how money works. I remember having 500 Portuguese Escudos per week when I was a little girl and to spend them on warm croissants and lollipops until the last cent, with no understanding of the saving possibilities whatsoever. And I think: how can I make my future kids understand how life works since the very beginning?

Readers, this is not a sponsored post. Period. So, my question is: did you know you can change OUR future world by educating more capable kids, giving them tools like these? Yes, it is CRZY — pun intended.

And to have the luck of getting a cute and happy kid like this one? I wish, dearests, I wish.

I know that we’re almost in 2020 and we think — or at least I do — “I wish they had seen the world before the internet, the cellphones and the 3d games, where our worst crime was robbing figs from the neighbors’ trees.” Well, there is no turning back on those good things, nonetheless, there are things now that are very much better and we can find them and share them through, for example, this wonderful platform.

Tell me what think and if you know any other apps like CRZUS that can be used in Canada!

And welcome to my first medium post, by the way :)



Editor for

Helena Canhoto — Performer — Aspiring Writer