[ANN] MiL.k and Yanolja, opening the ‘simple’ integration 2.0 (update)

MiL.k Official Blog
Mar 23, 2021

Global leisure platform Yanolja has opened its latest integration feature with MiL.k, the ‘simple’ integration 2.0.

With the update, Yanolja users can now sign up for MiL.k and integrate their points at once on Yanolja’s desktop/mobile web without downloading the MiL.k app.

It means higher accessibility and convenience of the MiL.k service to Yanolja users, which will lead to increased userbase and usability of the service.

<New feature> ‘Simple’ integration 2.0

Before) Integration 1.0: Need to download the MiL.k app and link up to the Yanolja app
Now) Integration 2.0: Can easily link up on Yanolja’s desktop/mobile web without downloading the MiL.k app

MiL.k team will keep making its best effort to provide more service features and partners.



MiL.k Official Blog

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