MiL.k App downloads has reached 110K!

MiL.k Official Blog
Oct 26, 2020

The number of MiL.k app downloads has reached 110K in 6 months since its official launch. Thanks to everyone’s interest, MiL.k was able to grow rapidly, becoming a new paradigm in the mileage point market.

#1. We have about 90,000 Monthly Active Users(MAU). 82% of the entire downloads.

#2. 54% of the users are males while 46% are females. Mostly in their 30s.

#3. Conversion between the reward points and Milk Coin(MLK) in Q3 increased by 2,507% compared to Q2.

#4. 78% of conversions were from MLK to reward points. 22% were from reward points to MLK.

#5. Participation in MiL.k Pack Season 2 has increased by 113% compared to Season 1. The amount was also increased by 62%.

#6. 198 out of 293 items on Mobile Coupon Shop were sold out.

We will do our best to stay open to the feedback from all the users and advancing and expanding the services and business MiL.k would have to offer. We thank the users for their love and interest in MiL.k!



MiL.k Official Blog

A Blockchain-based Lifestyle Mileage Point Integration Platform