MiL.k Monthly Report — December. 2020

MiL.k Official Blog
2 min readJan 5, 2021

We would like to present our Monthly Activity Report of December 2020. Previous activity report can be found here.


1. MAP Coin airdrops for Milk Coin (MLK) holders: To celebrate the issuance of MAP Coin, there was MAP Coin airdrop event for MLK holders. The total volume of the airdrop was about 3 million MAP.

2. MiL.k app update: New feature of trading ‘Book & Life Gift Certificate’: Following its recent announcement on the partnership contract with Pay’s ‘Book & Life Gift Certificate’, MiL.k is hereby announcing that it has opened the new feature of trading the certificates on its app.


1. ZDNet Korea Blockchain point integration platform MiL.k adds gift card purchasing feature

2. Hankookilbo Developing blockchain based two-way point exchange platform

3. Bloter [Block Monday] Spending points for goods is coming to an end — MiL.k

4. Tech M [UDC2020] Yanolja implements blockchain-based loyalty points, “Blockchain is the crucial technology for this.”

5. VentureSquare How near are we from blockchain based services

6. FintechTimes Fintech and financial sectors seek to ‘lock-in’ customers with points

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MiL.k Official Blog

A Blockchain-based Lifestyle Mileage Point Integration Platform