MiL.k Monthly Report — October. 2020

MiL.k Official Blog
2 min readNov 6, 2020

We would like to present our Monthly Activity Report of October 2020. Previous activity report can be found here.


1. Changed lock-up schedule of Milk Coin (MLK) for private investors: The change has been decided to grow MiL.k ecosystem and increase the value of Milk Coin (MLK).

2. Milk Coin (MLK) burning and issuance of new membership token, MAP: MiL.k has decided to burn 300 million MLK in total (23.1% of total supply) and issue new membership token, MAP to grow the MiL.k ecosystem and enrich its membership service.



1. MiL.k App downloads has reached 110K!: The number of MiL.k app downloads has reached 110K in 6 months since its official launch. Thanks to everyone’s interest, MiL.k was able to grow rapidly, becoming a new paradigm in the mileage point market.

2. [Whitepaper+] MiL.k premium membership program and issuance of its membership token, ‘MAP’(Milk Activity Privilege)


1. Cointelegraph MiL.k App downloads has reached 110K

2. E-Today Milkpartners introduces ‘MAP’, a premium membership token

3. Korea Blockchain News Point Integration Platform ‘MiL.k’ burns tokens and issues a new membership token

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MiL.k Official Blog

A Blockchain-based Lifestyle Mileage Point Integration Platform