[MiL.k Pedia] #2. 📢Start using Milk Coin and get more points! 😊

MiL.k Official Blog
2 min readJan 29, 2024

In the MiL.k ecosystem, users can exchange their points with partners at a more beneficial rate using MLK(Milk Coin). The use of MLK is a way for users to make their points more useful!

In MiL.k Pedia #1, we explained that MiL.k is a point exchange and integration platform that allows users with points from multiple companies to exchange them for points from other companies using MLK. Another feature of MiL.k that we will introduce in MiL.k Pedia #2 is that points can be exchanged for discounts through MLK.

MLK allows you to redeem points from partners at a discounted rate.

How can you use MLK to trade points for discounts?

In the MiL.k ecosystem, points are traded in the form of a second-hand trade. Within the MiL.k app, users can exchange their MLK for points from their favorite partners at a discounted rate. Let’s say a user has points from brand A but wants to use a different partner’s service. In the MiL.k App, the user can exchange brand A’s points for MLK to acquire unused points from other partners at a discounted rate. In this process, the MiL.k acts as an intermediary to make it easier for users to exchange points for MLK.

Within the MiL.k App, MLK can be exchanged for points from partners at any time.

To make more services available with MLK, MiL.k team is working hard to establish alliances with more partners for point exchange. As the number of partners expands and the number of users grows, point exchanges will become more frequent in the MiL.k app. Check out the links below to install the MiL.k app and see how MLK can be used to redeem your points. 🙂

👉🏻Android: http://bit.ly/2sm74z6

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MiL.k Official Blog

A Blockchain-based Lifestyle Mileage Point Integration Platform http://milkalliance.io