MilkyWay is live!

Josie Leung
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2023

Hello and exciting news — MilkyWay is now live! Check it out on

We’re here to transform the staking experience, making it more convenient for TIA holders. Say goodbye to the traditional 21-day unbonding period; with MilkyWay, when you stake your tokens, you instantly receive a liquid token in return, ensuring your assets stay active and within reach.

v1 Launch

Let’s break down what this v1 launch means for you: Upon staking TIA coins with MilkyWay, you’re issued milkTIA, an on-chain token that represents your TIA staking position. This approach allows your staked assets to remain fluid, ready for trading, or to be used as collateral in a range of DeFi products.

Our initial offering features a TIA:milkTIA pool on Osmosis, available from day one. Check out the guide from the Leap team on how to participate in the Osmosis pool. We’re just getting started — there’s much more to come.

v1 Setup

MilkyWay doesn’t have its own Layer 1 chain. Our approach involves using smart contracts on the Osmosis chain, the authz module on the Celestia chain, and a multisig setup managed by seven of the most reputable operators in the space — Everstake, Chorus One, Allnodes, 01node, Keplr, DSRV and Cosmostation. These operators safeguard over $6.6 billion across various ecosystems, including Ethereum, Cosmos Hub, Osmosis, and others.

To ensure effective and widespread delegation on the Celestia network, MilkyWay is partnering with twelve established validators at launch: Finoa, CryptoCrew, Figment, P-OPS, Everstake, Chorus One, Allnodes, 01node, Cosmostation, Hex Trust, DSRV and Keplr. These validators charge a commission of 5–10%, and MilkyWay distributes TIA evenly among them to maintain a stable APR%.

Learn more about our setup in the documentation.


Before going live, MilkyWay’s code was rigorously audited by Oak Security. You can delve into the full report for a detailed analysis. We value transparency — think of our open-source code as an invitation for the community and experts to review, enhance, and secure our platform together.

Next Steps

What’s on the horizon for MilkyWay? We’re planning to list milkTIA on more DeFi platforms, offering you additional yield opportunities.

We also acknowledge the community’s concerns regarding the delegation rights of TIA holders. Our commitment is to establish MilkyWay as a Celestia-aligned liquid staking protocol. We are dedicated to providing milkTIA holders explicit voting rights in protocol governance of MilkyWay. Further details on full governance and tokenomics will be provided after the v1 launch.

Moreover, we’re gearing up for a major transition to a sovereign rollup secured by Celestia. This will enable the issuance of a native liquid staked token, broadening the utility and applications for milkTIA.

Stay tuned — there’s a lot to look forward to with MilkyWay!

