Where Is The Cheese — #3 Perp Trade on Levana

Josie Leung
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2024

Welcome back to our “🧀Where is the Cheese?🧀” series! We’re excited to announce that milkTIA can now be used for perpetual trading on Levana.

This listing offers a fantastic opportunity for Milkers who want to stake their TIA for the staking APR while also speculating on the TIA pricing through trading.

For full coverage of the milkTIA use cases, 👉 check out our Discovery page.

Introduction to Levana

Levana Well-funded Perps is a protocol for perpetual swaps, which are leveraged trading contracts. It aims to manage risk and provide benefits to both traders and liquidity providers.

Levana’s solution is to make all positions “well-funded,” meaning that the maximum profit for each position is locked in advance. This eliminates the possibility of bad debt and insolvency, providing greater security.

Check out their documentation site for more detailed information.

Provide Liquidity with milkTIA

  1. Access Levana: First, navigate to the Levana platform.
  2. Choose Network: Select Osmosis and continue.
  3. Connect Your Wallet: Connect your wallet that holds your milkTIA tokens.
  4. Deposit milkTIA: Go to the Earn page and choose to deposit milkTIA via LP or xLP. Enter the amount you wish to deposit and confirm.


Tip 1: xLP typically has a higher APR but it also comes with a 45-day unlock period. Read Levana’s post on providing liquidity for more information.

Tip 2: Do note the liquidity pool acts as a counter-party vault to facilitate trades. When traders win, it can affect the rewards and even the principal of liquidity providers.

Perp Trade with milkTIA

  1. Access: Navigate to the Trade page and select the milkTIA/USD market.
  2. Long/ Short: Choose a Long or Short position, Market or Limit order, enter the amount of milkTIA you wish to use as collateral, select your preferred Leverage strategy and set your Take Profit Price and Stop Loss Price.
  3. Review: Based on your previous selections, look through the Liquidation Price and Fees. Make sure you understand all the fields prior to proceeding.
  4. Confirmation and Monitoring: Confirm the transaction. Once it’s processed, you can monitor your position under the Open Positions section.
  5. Update/ Close Position: You can update or close your position anytime under the Open Positions section.

Tips for Trading on Levana

Trading perpetual contracts can be both exciting and challenging. Here are some tips to help you navigate the waters:

  • Start Small: If you’re new to perpetual trading, begin with smaller trades to understand the market dynamics without significant risk.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with market trends and news. Cryptocurrency markets can be volatile, and staying informed will help you make better trading decisions.
  • Use Risk Management: Set stop-loss orders and take-profit levels to manage your risks effectively. Never invest more than you can afford to lose.
  • Leverage Responsibly: While leverage can amplify your gains, it can also magnify your losses. Be cautious when using high leverage.
  • Join the Community: Engage with other traders in the Levana community. Forums and social media groups can be great resources for tips, insights, and support.

❓ Check out Levana’s FAQ section for more information.

📻 We will be doing a Twitter Spaces with the Levana team soon, details will be posted on our X account. Tune in for more information and tips!

This wraps up the third post of the Where Is The Cheese Series.

Happy Milking! 🐄🥛

