How To Increase Employee Engagement in Your Climate Strategy

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4 min readJan 27, 2022

When reducing your carbon footprint, it’s essential to have a collective approach in the workplace. Employee engagement will help you achieve targets more quickly and create a sense of personal responsibility. When staff feel involved in planning as well as carrying out green policies, there is higher engagement and better implementation of policies. So, consult staff as you plan.

Promoting and encouraging individual efforts to tackle climate change can be a profitable strategy. Schemes in which employees help grassroot organizations, such as milkywire, allow staff to choose which projects they want to support. This initiative gives everyone a chance to pursue the company’s goals in their own way. Choice increases staff commitment and democratizes action to reduce carbon footprint.

Making Your Business Priorities Clear

The first step to increasing employee engagement is ensuring your workforce knows where their priorities lie. Make it clear to your staff that sustainability is as important as their specific job role. Remind them that sustainability is part of the company’s long-term plan. Thus, it will increase profitability. Try to integrate green policies into every aspect of your workplace.

How the company benefits from achieving sustainability targets should be made clear to employees. This initiative includes direct financial gains, including reductions in energy bills and waste disposal costs. Indeed, there are also less tangible benefits. The world is changing, and customers will demand sustainability in all areas in the future. It pays to be ahead of the game in the green marketplace.

Sustainability Training For A Greener Workforce

While everybody knows how important environmental issues are, staff must know exactly where they stand on sustainability. That’s where training comes in. Regular training on green topics and company sustainability policies can encourage participation from employees. Once you establish a green strategy, ensure all employees receive clear training. What’s more, highlight how it affects their particular job role.

Training comes in many forms, so try to be flexible in your approach. Remember that training doesn’t have to be a one-way process. If staff members attend events outside the company, invite them to share what they’ve learnt. Events to discuss particular environmental challenges facing the company can also be helpful. Ensure staff can provide feedback.

How To Democratize Your Sustainability Strategy

Some of the best ideas for improving sustainability come from the workforce. So, how can you be sure you’re hearing everything your staff has to say? Regular meetings where staff can propose new strategies for carbon reduction are an excellent way to maintain engagement. Empowering staff in the carbon reduction strategy is also essential. Instead of imposing rules, set achievable targets for staff.

Allowing employees to use their initiative encourages creativity and ownership of green policies. You can ask those who meet or exceed targets to share their strategies with the rest of the company. You can also offer rewards for the best-performing employee or department. If the company meets its targets, propose a company-wide prize, such as a bonus.

Use Employee Engagement to Promote Sustainability Measures

It’s essential to promote your sustainability policies in the wider community. That way everyone knows about the efforts you’re making. Employees are an excellent channel to spread the word about all the environmental measures you’ve put in place. Encourage employees to mention your green strategies to friends, relatives and customers. Remember to update your marketing strategy with environmental measures, too.

Making Changes In The Wider World

Once you’ve changed your environmental strategy, think about how you can make a difference elsewhere too. This can involve working with suppliers or other organizations. Improving the environment, locally or globally, is a community effort. You could create an international environmental network if you have suppliers in other countries. Investing in projects for change is also essential.

Sharing Your Expertise with Other Companies

When you’ve put in all the effort, it might seem odd to share all that knowledge with others. But we all live in the same world, and climate change affects everyone. Being known as a leader in sustainability is paramount for your image too. So, don’t be afraid to share what you’ve learnt with other companies in your area of work.

The road to sustainability is long, and you won’t achieve everything overnight, but small steps make a difference. Every small step is a contribution to a greener world. On the journey, it’s important to use all the resources you have. That includes every member of staff in all departments. A collaborative approach will keep your company moving in the right direction.

Put Employee Engagement At The Centre Of Your Sustainability Strategy

Your staff are your best asset. Keep them informed and listen to them, and you’ll find it an easier road. With the workforce onboard, you can achieve your green targets. Employee engagement in all areas is needed for a cohesive strategy. Sharing the burdens and the rewards is sustainable for all within and outside the company.

Originally published at on January 27, 2022.




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