A Brief Manifesto of Life on Earth.

A Perspective on Being. 

Matthew Cannon
Millennial Dreaming


Here we are. Lucky enough to embody our own freely curious consciousness on a planet which supports complex life. Free to evolve within a lifetime or even a year at a time out of desire much less necessity. For we have built the keys to meta-evolution in the form of organized societies and further, a plethora of self-sustaining and self-serving lifestyles. A pity we can't all agree, but almost inevitably, we cannot. No matter, this is what makes it interesting. To be sure, the extent of overt disagreement is rapidly disintegrating and evident in the forms of acceptance of our uniquely decided ways of living. (no matter what certain forms of media would have you believe.) Serendipitously or benevolently designed, it turns out we’re in this together.

And we have some utterly amazing skills deserving of daily accord. However subtly lost, we’re all intensely able to:

Contemplate the path we've come from; blessed with a certain prescience and control of the way we do go next. Each of us from any range of living standard are given the power to observe, to take in each day with an effort to enjoy and further affect via our own choices. Because of the fact that we simply exist and act, Our world is different and uniquely formed. Though it is of utmost importance for further exploration of the path to remain positive and free, this power is given to us without regard for karmic reputation of who we are today and how we live. We are here!

So shall we live?!

A lifetime on earth could be considered a karmic reward in its own sense.

Living on earth, now that’s living! You can be involved in any mystery you want. Study Da Vinci’s sketchbook inventions until you find a revelation of your own. Write a biography about the artist formerly known as Prince and share some ancient tea with him after you've been invited to share stories and cross paths. Sing along with the best songwriters and singers or write your own anthems. Build your body to perfection and throw the furthest javelin, or cell phone ever! Find a mate who makes your heart jump and your neurons dance; find that she has the same idea, blow each other away and build a life together.

Approach the sum of human knowledge and ask of it anything you may: receive immediate answers with comments and perhaps realtime advice on how to proceed. Understand the basis of Native American Spirituality or find out what it means to be neither Wolf nor Dog. Build a telescope and look back in time, join a group of philosophers and debate on whether time exists at all. Maybe just wish a stranger a happy day with a gesture or a smile.

Go take a picture of anything. What say you!? We've invented a device to capture the full visual sense of reality in any given moment? A great one of those moments just HAS to come up once in a while. Sometimes it’s a matter of creating a filter, being willing to explore a new destination, or following through on a certain goal to capture it. You’d be surprised as a photographer how often that is, especially once you start consciously looking. That’s not just a photography lesson but one for life.

Sunset through Water Bottle — Matt Cannon

Know that you can create the world to your liking but don't just think about yourself. Build your world and join hands with others to make it more fluid and enjoyable for each other. Everything you observe changes your world, so it’s time to consider the efficacy of what you do choose to see. Any action is a decision to observe a different state of reality and what we know as time; so most importantly, choose what you mean to observe, go forth and see it as your reality.

Take it one step further and choose to observe it together with exponential consequences.

#millennialdreaming #Challenge

— Make public your desires and share what matters.

The average quality of how we spend our time online will have a compounded effect on the reality we live in as observation goes on. How will you be a part of the movement towards a healthy direction?

Nowhere to post? email thoughts or photos to: millennialdreaming@gmail.com and we’ll do something cool with them.

Please recommend if you agree and want to help push the movement.



Matthew Cannon
Millennial Dreaming

Entrepreneur from Minneapolis, MN with a passion for community, wellness & optimal living. Flow Genome Project Certified Coach | Chief Growth Officer @Jamstik