Are You a Photo Away From Selling Your Home?

Jesse Pierson
Millennial Division
2 min readNov 19, 2015

“What is the one thing I can do to increase the chances of selling my home quickly and for a good price?”. Our real estate team hears this question every single day from sellers.

There are a lot of things that need to happen before a home is ready for the resale market. Decluttering, trim the trees, mow the lawn, vacuum the carpet, etc. But the one thing with the highest ROI, is very simple. Hire a professional photographer to take the listing pictures.

Today the home buying process starts online. A buyer sifts through 100’s of homes, sees 1000’s of pictures, narrows the list, then goes out with a Realtor to physically look at a few select properties. The pictures are the first thing a buyer sees online, and it’s the largest factor when it comes to narrowing the list of potential homes. The average buyer almost instantly rejects a home with amateur, blurry, & bad angle pictures. By not hiring a professional you are automatically reducing the number of physical showings your home will receive. Fewer showings then leads to fewer offers which leads to a lower price and longer days on market.

Below is a quick example showing the difference between professional pictures and the average joe homeowner with an iPhone. This home was on the market for 6 months at $549,000. Our team took over the listing and hired a professional photographer. We sold the home in 5 days for $595,000.

Living Room Before
Living Room After
Front of Home Before
Front of Home After
Kitchen After (Previous listing didn’t even have a picture of the kitchen!!)


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Jesse Pierson
Millennial Division

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