Millennials, We Should Be Designing Our Best Life While We Are Still Young

Millennial Entrepreneurs
3 min readJun 9, 2022


There’s so much going on in the world. Especially people born between 1990 and 2000 (millennials) seem to be affected by the ever-rolling tide of life. Gen Z will probably be no different.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

I consider myself a millennial pur sang, being born in 1995 myself. It hasn’t been easy to find a direction in life that suits me well. To be completely honest, I still haven’t found it. However, the tools to find this path of life are definitely available.

Listen, listen, listen

As a teenager, we don’t care about what other people have to say. All we care about is how to avoid responsibilities and cruise through life without doing much.

There comes a time when this trick doesn't work anymore. We start to care about our future and the future of others. For some millennials, this happens quite early (<20 y/o) and for others quite late (or never). The biggest change to notice is the fact that we start listening to what other people have to say. The stuff that older people told us when we were young starts to click.

“Save some money for bad times to come”

“School is the best time of your life, enjoy it while it last”

Building a career



Millennial Entrepreneurs

Passionate about stoicism, Cryptocurrencies, FiRe movement and personal finance in general. Proud writer on, a dutch web3 content page