Adhivāsanā: Day Three — Confidence

Max Foley
millennial meditations
1 min readAug 3, 2018

By now I’d grown confident with ānāpānasati, emboldened by my progress the previous day. Focus and (relative) mental silence came (relatively) consistently.

I began to realize how tumultuous my base-level mind had been for the last year. Thoughts no longer crossed paths frequently and violently, like trains derailing into one another, competing for attention. Instead they were like flights at a major airport, arriving and departing almost on schedule, never colliding or ousting each other away. I began to experience a sort of reprieve from my obsessive, results-oriented tunnel vision.

As my practice began to truly gel into substance, and a pattern began to establish itself, I noticed that the days became shorter, and the work became a little easier.

The first inklings of peace began to germinate in my mind.

Day Two — Grief

Day Four — Lust

← ← Back To The Beginning

