How To Control Your Emotions

Kevin Kamau
Millennial Milk
Published in
5 min readMar 1, 2017

Emotions! These are feelings that you cannot avoid in your daily life, but you can try as much as possible to evade them.

You can be experiencing anger, resentment, and disappointment. Knowing well, that you cannot just erase emotions; once in a while, you will have to face all of them. Whether good or bad ones.

Learning how to control all your emotions has become a significant area of our life that many people cannot manage it effectively. Why? For you to be able to handle your feelings, it will be more of developing a habit or skill (a question of choice).

How do you control your emotions?

A question that keeps on running through your mind. Especially when you’re in that “situation” that can make you feel or even do something that you did not even think of doing. Knowing well, that emotions drive all our daily activities since they are a crucial part of our everyday lives. Do you manage your feelings? Do they direct or control you? You ought to ask yourself these questions when you’re facing deep thoughts due to emotions.

Can emotions alter your thinking and doing?

Yeah. Emotions, especially the negative ones, can lead to all the actions you take as well as all the thoughts that come into your mind. So be careful not to react so quickly to any feeling because you can make decisions you will regret later.

Do you want to be happier as well as healthier?

It will only happen when you’re able to control all your emotions efficiently and safely. It will decrease all your stress, and you will feel more empowered in your life.

It can feel impossible to control your emotions. Yeah. Every one of us has felt this. You know what to do to manage them, but there are hindrances in your way.

Here are steps to consider when you need to control your emotions

Be aware of what you’re feeling.

You need to pinpoint that feeling that is troubling you. Make sure not to react right away because it can become more of a problem to you rather than a solution.

Regrets! Will always be there when you rush into solving situations without actually knowing what you’re feeling.

Ask yourself. What I’m I feeling, is it a disappointment, anger, or fear?

Take a deep breath for about five minutes; this will help in calming down that overwhelming impulse. Wait until your heartbeat rates return to normal, and you start feeling that your muscles are relaxing. After your calm, tell yourself that ‘it’s just temporary, it will pass.’

Get to know yourself and your emotions, knowing they are here to serve you.

Have the feeling of accepting all your emotions as they come by knowing well that they are here to support you.

After acknowledging you’re facing emotions, you ought to seek guidance from your higher power. In every dark moment you find yourself in, consider having trust as it is the only thing that can save you from uncertain situations.

Trust helps you believe in a higher power that will provide the strength needed and can trigger action signals or negative emotions.

Close your eyes and believe in your higher power, who always steps in when we face negative emotions. By doing so, you will imagine a positive solution and view the ideal path forward to dealing with your problems.

Consider the emotion’s message and find a healthy outlet to release.

You need to know the meaning of this emotion you’re feeling. Once you get the message, you will have a solution to any problem and also prevent the same challenge from happening again,

Consider what you feel you can do right now? If it’s something negative and against what you believe in, then just let it go. Look for healthy ways you can release that feeling.

You can decide to talk to someone or even try to recall a situation; you may have heard concerning someone else, who may have passed through the same emotion that is attacking you right now.

You can release all your emotions problems by changing your mood. How will I change my attitude? No worries, you can go jogging or even watch TV to occupy your mind.

Get confident and see the bigger picture.

Being sure that you can handle any emotion is the key to controlling all your problems. You can sit down and think of a situation you felt the same emotion that you’re feeling at the moment.

Once you feel that the same emotion you were able to control it in the past, then it will make it easier to handle it when it re-occurs.

Having in mind that every situation you are in, it’s a way of life. Viewing the bigger picture will help you in believing that the problem will come to pass since you are more confident in handling it.

Also, to increase your confidence, you ought to observe how other people deal with their emotions.

Replace your thoughts and forgive your emotional triggers.

Some emotions can lead you to think or do negative actions that can put you in lots of trouble.

For instance, imagine due to anger, you decide to stab your best friend, and he/she happens to die. You will spend the rest of your life in prison. You need to replace that thought with a different one. Such as thinking of that item you need to purchase.

If trying to replace the thought becomes hard, consider forgiving your triggers.

Emotional triggers can be your family members, best friend, or even yourself. By forgiving, you will start detaching from all the evil thoughts.

Take action and choose how to react.

It should be your final step, and it’s the hardest part.

Start by being excited that you’re lucky you identified your emotion early, and you can easily manage and take some quick action.

Make it a habit for you when dealing with emotions issues by taking action once you feel it.



Kevin Kamau
Millennial Milk

Writer — Articles, Blogs, eBooks, Reviews & Web Content