Are You Part Of The “Never Ever Mets” Culture?

You’ve never met IRL, but could this be love?

Midnight Young
Millennial Muse
Published in
5 min readMar 7, 2024


AI-generated image (Magic Studios by Canva)

Gentle music plays through her headphones as Mari enters her backyard. She knows she has to say something and disconnect. After all, her parents wouldn’t understand... Yet, she lingers — smelling the flowers in the garden and soaking in the last moments with Sam.

Sometimes they talk on the way to work and coming back home. Some days they create the oddest of playlists and study together — in silence or in an odd symphony of songs and synchronised humming. Sometimes they discuss life and sometimes — they’re immersed in the Void. Other days they play video games or read together. Every other weekend they watch movies or anime. Sometimes they talk whilst walking — and share videos of beautiful buildings, mesmerising nature and an odd stranger passing by.

Mari lives in Italy, she’s working on her second year for a challenging Master’s degree in engineering. Sam is from California and he’s in the finance industry. What odds did they ever have to meet and spend time together? What were the odds they would become friends? And what were the chances they would like one another? How about love, what were their chances of starting a relationship?



Midnight Young
Millennial Muse

Baltic soul, British heart, living under American skies. I explore the multicultural identity, but don't shy away from fantasy and mazes of real life.