I Was Told I’m A Zillennial

I had to Google it

Midnight Young
Millennial Muse


Group of people forming a star with their fingers
Image by THIS IS ZUN (

Did you know that 40% of purchasing power is now in the hands of younger generations — millennials and Gen Z? Neither did I, but that’s not the point. What’s interesting here is that this 40% falls into a specific segment of people. A whole micro-generation.

What are the chances that you’re a zillennial? If you were born between 1993 and 1998, the Urban Dictionary classifies you as such. Other sources suggest 1990 to 2000. Either way, changes are that you just found yourself amongst this mysterious micro-generation! What great fun!..

Why do we need a micro-generation?

There’s a mismatch. Older millennials don’t subscribe to the beliefs and ways of living of those on the other side of the spectrum. Younger Gen Z live a very different lifestyle in comparison to their older peers. Two aspects divide these generations:

  • technology
  • social media

What about tech?

Zillennials fall into the unique societal group of people who grew up without the constant use of technology but witnessed the evolution and experienced innovation firsthand. Older millennials could struggle with new tech, whilst younger ones might not necessarily remember a Walkman.

Similarly, Gen Z has individuals who grew up kicking a ball outside but had interactive classroom experiences. Their younger peers played games on the iPhone before learning to talk.

Classifying younger millennials and older Gen Z’ers into one cohort allows grabbing a particular segment of tech-savvy, yet world-aware individuals.

Life and Social Media

Zillennials are seen as a segment that prefers meaningful social media interactions. It’s a group that uses its social channels intentionally — TikTok and Snapchat are seen as time-consuming and attention-grabbing. Facebook is scary because our parents (and grandma!) use it.

This age group is cautious about their data and privacy, they’re careful with the content posted and consumed. Older millennials value real-life experiences whilst younger Gen Z spend most of their time online.

Zillennials balance between the two. These people have a strong online presence with an abundance of online friends, servers, forums and group chats. But they also value time off the grid — road trips, enriching events, exciting adventures and real-life experiences.

People eating a pizza
Image by Mikhail Nilov (

I was sceptical about it and still chose to glare at the person claiming I’m not millennial enough. Then they asked me what’s my go-to when listening to music. Somehow, YouTube seems to be one of the zillennial traits.

Other things giving away you could be a zillennial:

  • you’re not online 24/7
  • but you could have more virtual friends than real ones
  • you remember life before social media and constant connectivity
  • you vaguely remember 9/11, but you were too young to fully understand it

Tags and classifications

The marketing community adds yet another tag onto the Zillennial one — DINKS (dual income, no kids). It emphasises the potential spending power this micro-generation has due to their disposable income.

Businesses are recognising the value of understanding this segment of consumers and finding more efficient ways to communicate with them. Touching on the pain points and addressing important causes, such as climate change, equality, diversity and inclusion, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and fair trade practices throughout the supply chain.

According to the Goat Agency, zillennials value authenticity and are willing to splash out an extra brownie for a good quality item — even if it’s from a luxury brand. The micro-generation is associated with cautious spending as individuals step away from mass production and consumerism. Less is more.

To sum up, being called a zillennial turned out to be a compliment. I learned that people categorised as such are thoughtful consumers who value quality over quantity and want to support fair business practices and causes contributing to the better good.

The micro-generation is seen as authentic, valuing real-life experiences and relationships. But we’re also classified as extremely tech-savvy, adventurous and keen on experiences.

So… are you a zillennial?

My scribbles dive into a variety of topics. Yet whether I scribble fantasy or horror, highly opinionated or research-driven pieces, I hope it leaves you with something to ponder: makes you feel better (or worse?..), strikes an inner monologue (hopefully, voiced out in the comments!) or simply gives you something to chew on, inspiring to keep the creative ball rolling.

Thank you for reading!



Midnight Young
Millennial Muse

Baltic soul, British heart, living under American skies. I explore the multicultural identity, but don't shy away from fantasy and mazes of real life.