Millennial Poets
Millennial Poets
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2017
source: pixabay.com


Life is what gives death meaning, I say

Death is what gives life meaning, she says.

Time standing between us like an oasis

A voice of reasoning between two unknowledgeable beings

Saying, “wrong, wrong, wrong”.

You shouldn’t be concerned with either of the two, Time says

I am what you should worry about

Life is life and death is death

Either meaningless without me.

I can be short and I can be long

I can be slow and I can be swift

The question is not life or death

The question is ‘you’

And the answer is me.


Time defines everything

Right or wrong

Life or death

Meaning or triviality.

Time shadows everything

Walking quietly

Moving swiftly

Leaving footprints

And sometimes, none at all.

In its path, you wonder and yearn for something more

You wonder if its bright light will cast on your toil

If its slowness will age you like wine

If its swiftness will soar you like an eagle with air beneath its wings

If in its shortness, you will find immortality.


Olamide Olayinka likes the clarity words give to situations, although he’s reluctant to call himself ‘Poet’. He’s also curious about entrepreneurship and tech. Passionate about ideas, access and stature. @kudidotai evangelist. He tweets at @le_slam.



Millennial Poets
Millennial Poets

Millennial poets owns, and edits the publication: Millennial Poets. We are a bunch of Millennials who love poetry. Join us. Let us write the world anew.