A song, a portal

Millennial Poets
Published in
1 min readNov 27, 2020
Photo by Quinton Coetzee on Unsplash

I have songs saved I’d like to consider as a portal
A gate that snatches me from the present
Takes me back, way back to pleasant times
Brings back to life faces that were blurred
I close my eyes and remember conversations
Whisper words that made my heart beat once
I close my eyes and see happy shadows
Dancing unaware of how far they’d be tomorrow
Songs that play fond memories washed away
Tunes that add colors to unvisited sceneries
When loneliness creeps in through the walls
And I’m just there hanging on the couch
Feeling suddenly an urge to travel back to the past
I’d put on my headphones and play one of those songs
And enjoy the company of those no longer reachable
You’d be amazed how easy it is to part ways in life
And one of those days a song plays in the background
And you’re submerged by an unidentifiable feeling
Revealing flashes of people no longer around



Millennial Poets

A 26 years old’ soul who found solace in writing. From poems, short stories, articles she felt the urge to write, and now the urge to share.