
Sravani Kothapalli
Millennial Poets
Published in
1 min readAug 1, 2020
Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash

We age with each passing year,
Birthday as a remainder.
Some celebrate,
and for some, it’s just another date.

Whatever might be the case;
Slipping and sliding into the darkness,
is the story of every tenant on the earth
From the moment of birth.

Life is like a Snowflake
Elegant, unique and delicate.
Unaware of its birth and death
Yet worth celebrating till last breath.

Like a tree shedding leaves in Autumn
Is a new tree in Spring as fresh leaves bloom
Leave behind the futile you,
Key is to unceasingly discover new.

You are born,
Every time you learn.
So why celebrate only a single day?
Honour the essence of it every day.



Sravani Kothapalli
Millennial Poets

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