“It’s just a job”
It’s interesting you say that.
Well see…
Grandma was a cleaning lady.
Watched Mrs. Finkelstein
Spray pristine elegant bottles of perfume
Armoring herself in fur
Perplexed by these signals of wealth
Yeah, it was just a job.
Dad was a cable tech for time warner
He started working only a few months after my birthday in fact
Or I welcomed
Into strangers homes
Intimate spaces frequently
“danger zones”
He became intimate with
It was just a job.
I’ve seen a lot of souls
Living through just jobs
Spending several hours
Away from family.
Only to come home
Hands, calloused
Lower back, achy and warm to the touch
Shoulders, clenched.
Over Just a job.
I decided a long time ago
I wanted more than just a job.
When you tell me it’s just a job
You ignore
My grandmother
Bent over
Knees pressed against the floor
Hands raw from cleaning products
You ignore my daddy
Climbing ladders
Carefully stepping over wiring
A few hundred pounds over his head.
Your blind spots
Are stark.
I’ve seen a lot of souls
Living through just jobs.
I decided a long time ago
I wanted more than just a job.