Born Twice

John Tuttle
Millennial Poets
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2018
Roman Flora. Photo Credit: John Tuttle.

Co-creation forming life begins in the womb.

Here is the nucleus of a woman’s physical being.

What follows is birth, growth, death, and the tomb.

And all in between we are dashing about, fleeing.

How do you define life? What about color?

They must be experienced; others are beyond feeling.

What gift awaits and gives off such lustre?

Limb grows weak; joints give way to kneeling.

No, our existence is not spent within a grand simulation.

Reality is genuine just as life itself is short.

But can we even doubt life and light were some creation?

When light is cut off, I’ll leave this earthly port.

No longer will I come and go as I please.

I ran long and hard, but what followed was peace.

My second life is destined to be one of ease.

Struggles, strife, sickness, sorrow: all now cease.

It is my rebirth, an exit and an entrance too.

A new beginning, as all things must begin.

This will be a glorious life, one so fresh and new.

I’m going to a place free from death and sin.

If you desire any kind of advice from me,

I’d tell you not to count your days.

Otherwise, your days are filled with counting, not glee.

Days shall end but not so of this eternal haze.

What’s this? It clears. It burns. It melts away.

I am different. I am reassured, refreshed, relieved.

I’m taken in. The golden city is as everlasting day.

With joy I was conceived. Now in joy I am received.



John Tuttle
Millennial Poets

Journalist and creative. Words @ The Hill, Submittable, The Millions, Tablet Magazine, GMP, University Bookman, Prehistoric Times: