
Nirranjani Sakthi
Millennial Poets
Published in
Nov 9, 2020

To my fellow bold & beautiful warriors...

Women have been treated as objects, for time immemorial, to be judged on beauty, shape, and coyness. We have let the world dictate how we should act, how we should walk, and how we should smile. We have let dogmas rule our lives for too long. No more. We bear the highest form of responsibility to pave the path for the next generation. A world where every woman is treated fair. A world of equality, a world of passion, and a world of unstoppable dreams. A world where every girl has the courage to break her glass ceiling. A world that does not judge a woman for having a voice. Here’s a tribute to you all…

Art by @pcurto on Deviant Gallery

“You see those dancing eyes

Casting a spell & label her

A flirtatious damsel

Bound to only enthrall.

You see those curves

With all its peaks & valleys

And decide she is a sin

Cast to torment your existence.

You see the sway of her hips

Sultry like a Mistress

And brand her as good

Only to warm your nights.

You see her walk

With the gait of a tigress

And still think she is someone

You could ensnare!

My love, you forgot to see the girl

With her head held high

Walking like she owns the paths

She walks by.

You did not see the lass

Who refuses to back down

In the face of wild storms

With the heart of a vagabond.

Oh my men! You did not fathom her

To be the one raised by wolves.

For she is the huntress,

Blooming in the body of an Empress!

