How Life Works

A Poem

Dayton O'Donnell
Millennial Poets


Photo by Holly Chisholm on Unsplash

Things glob together
and make something
bigger than themselves.

That’s pretty much
how life works.

Atoms glob up
to make a molecule.
Molecules glob up
to make compounds,
which glob up to make
whatever it is they
choose to make.

And eventually, those whatever-globs
glob up to make nicer-looking globs
like rocks or light sockets,
or people
who take those rocks and
those light sockets
and glob them together
into things like buildings.

Those globbed-together buildings,
again, glob together to make towns,
which you guessed it, glob together
to make cities, and those cities
glob up into states connected by
roads that deliver globbed-up people
to their globbed-up jobs where they use
globbed-up machines that glob together
through some globby thing called the
internet, where, there, they slack off from work
to do some social globbing by the water cooler
or on their phones,
which talk through satellite-globs…



Dayton O'Donnell
Millennial Poets

Yo! I'm a guy who does a lot of creative and businessy stuff — www.daytondoesstuffcom