I don’t know how they do it..

Raj Ranjan
Millennial Poets
Published in
1 min readMar 15, 2020
Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels

how they can spend their entire lifetime..
without even loving themselves,
how they just catch a fling..
and never think twice..
before calling it a love!

how they never understand..
importance of the things they have,
how they chase something big their whole life..
only to stumble upon the next big thing,
but never finding the end of it!

how they believe that these stars..
shine for them,
these planets..
revolve around the mighty sun..
just to complete their meaningless year,
how they believe that this universe..
conspired for their existence!

how they can easily..
break the one thing..
that made their heart beating once,
how they can easily..
just walk away..
from all the unspoken promises!

how they bury all their desire..
all of their dreams,
once they start calling themselves adults,
how they stop living..
way before..
they have died!!

I don’t know how..
I don’t know how they do it!

IG — @inked.raj

