MillennialPoets is no longer accepting new writers

for now

Millennial Poets
Millennial Poets
Nov 7, 2021


Fellow Poets,

We are sad to report that we won’t be accepting new writers into our community for the foreseeable future.

It’s become hard to read and onboard new writers on our publication with just 2 editors. This means we cannot adequately read the new submissions, provide feedback, and onboard accepted writers. Therefore, we are putting a halt to it, for now, until we figure out a way to make the process less tasking, or bring in more editors.

Poets who’ve been added to the publication can continue to send in entries, which we’ll review and add to the publication.

As always, continue to write fire.

Busayo Oyewole,



Millennial Poets
Millennial Poets

Millennial poets owns, and edits the publication: Millennial Poets. We are a bunch of Millennials who love poetry. Join us. Let us write the world anew.