Until Tomorrow Covid-19 Haiku Chronicles

Haikus for your social-distancing isolation

John Ross
Millennial Poets


Photo by Will Myers on Unsplash

Walking in silence

Empty sidewalks with blank stares

Until tomorrow…

Photo by Kate Trifo on Unsplash

Social distancing

When did that become a thing

Until tomorrow…

Photo by Nick Nice on Unsplash

Rain falls, no one moves

They sit inside and time passes

Until tomorrow…

Photo by Armin Lotfi on Unsplash

When will this end man

No one knows, this is crazy

Until tomorrow…

Sweatpants and T-shirt

And a smoothie for breakfast

Until tomorrow…



John Ross
Millennial Poets

Writing stories, working in the NBA, & learning each day how to better love my neighbor — www.hellojohnwross.com