Izuchukwu Oleka
Millennial Poets
Published in
1 min readMar 22, 2020


What did i hear as l walked past the green
Was it frogs croaking or feet’s stumping
What did i see when i walked past the bin
Was it Christmas lighting’s or fireflies glowing

Saw a beautiful little frog leaping
Face of the ugly beast never more homely
But some charm to its twinkling skin
Then swift tongues lurk and grab instantly

I see them clearly now, Fireflies
The most beautiful things in all the green
Stretched my heart with fulfilling ecstasies
They numbered a thousand, maybe thirty

In all thy glamour oh fiery twinkling beauty
The villainous frog is predator and you are prey
In all the light you give thy enemy
You are all that it wants to steal and fray

