Dogs Are True Zen Masters

How to mindfully hack your personal growth and productivity

Fabien Hameline
7 min readApr 25, 2020

At the most random times, “eureka” moments can happen when your realize some ridiculously simplistic ideas making you take a step-back on life, and shifting your perception of things for the better. This changes you forever. As a direct consequence you become so much more objective about everything, which in turn allows you to move forward.

These are 40 mini-life lessons that stuck with me on an ever-growing list:

  1. Dogs are the true zen masters. They are always in the present moment. They don’t think about what they ate yesterday, or what they will tonight. They live without regrets, or fears, in the moment.
My dog Inga made me realize this.

2. We know nothing. Of the importance about being open-minded, we have to question everything. That’s why some of us are on Medium, no? Let’s be curious.

3. We are a drop of water in the infinite ocean-universe. Ego does not exist in MACS0647-JD (furthest galaxy recorded from Earth). So be humble my friend.

