What’s yours will find you

Himal Rustagi
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2020

We all have come across this quote but we never really bothered to keep it with us. Even I am one of you; who read it, felt nice but forgot it too soon. So, my journey started precisely in the year 2015, when I was too eager to get an internship, and as many of my batchmates had already had one, I couldn’t resist and applied at the company, and said “ I will apply for whichever role is available at the moment”, I went for the interview, and I was told to write about a milk brand as the vacancy that was open was for a “CONTENT WRITER”, not knowing even ABC of the role, I just wrote whatever came to my mind and guess what?? I got selected.

I enjoyed doing it, and my internship was supposed to end in 3 months, but I continued it for 6 months, to be honest here, it wasn’t just because I enjoyed doing what I was doing, but the feeling of being occupied was something I fell in love with. Then eventually, college ended, and I came back to my hometown. It was very clear that I will not pursue this role, and I thought it wasn’t something that will EVER fetch me a fancy salary. Moreover, I always had to explain to people what my job role was, which somehow made me wonder, “What kind of job have I done, which no one even knows about”. Content writing had become something that I started disliking and had no interest in pursuing.

Apparently, I landed again in a content writing job with my first ever company, and I always thought that “No, I can’t do this. Just because I wrote letters to my best friend and roommates or assisted people with creative birthday wishes or helped sail their boat through cute texts, doesn’t mean I am a CONTENT WRITER”. I felt stuck as all my friends were doing something good with their lives and were earning more than me. I desperately wanted to shift but honestly could never do it. I tried some different roles, tried to get into top-notch companies, and attempted to even get into a B-school. This whole journey had been really very exhausting, and there was always pressure from family to do something, because as we have all grown . . .

Read the full article here: https://himalrustagi.com/whats-yours-will-find-you/

