Blog Introduction

Matthew Shivinsky
Millennials and the Future of Work
2 min readSep 23, 2018

The purpose of this blog is to investigate the trends in the types of careers people are pursuing. Years ago, the ideal career was to work full time in a factory for 40 or 50 years, and then retire. Today, things are much different. Now people are moving away from the blue collar jobs and pursuing tech and STEM jobs. Many of these careers involve moving from job to job throughout the career and when its time to retire, they have over four or five different jobs under their belts. This blog will investigate these jobs and why this is the case.

Personal Interest

I am personally interested in this topic because as a junior in college, I will be pursuing a career in the modern world of work. As a Finance major, it will be smart to investigate how the evolving workforce has changed the career of finance. It’s a very competitive field so doing the research in the skills that will be required will put me a step ahead.


There are some questions I have about this topic which I would like to answer. What is the reason behind the shift from factory jobs to tech jobs? How will this change affect the world as a whole? Why is the latest generation so opposed to trade jobs and factory work? These questions interest me because their answers provide reasons why the workforce is changing and how it affects the future. The answers will also help me in my personal career. They will tell me what skills I need to have to meet the qualifications needed in the future. I may need to improve my technical skills and see how they relate to the field of finance.

