Skills Required to Compete in the Future Labor Force

Matthew Shivinsky
Millennials and the Future of Work
2 min readOct 2, 2018

Due to the shift in the type of labor that is in demand, the skills required to get a job have changed. Years ago, basic trade skills or basic knowledge about business was pretty much all you needed. In today’s more competitive workforce, newer skills are required in order to be ahead of everyone else.

Adapting Skills to the Globalized World

As transportation has improved over time, the world has become more globalized. This has caused a dramatic shift in the workforce. It is more competitive than ever to get a job. The competition is extremely strong and the “winners” or the people who get hired are the ones who have the best skillset. The new skills required involve diversity. This includes working in diverse groups, having a globalized mindset, and having some relevant knowledge on other cultures.

Some Skills Will Always Be Required

This blog focused earlier on the newer skills that are required to compete. However, it is important to acknowledge the skills that have been required for many years. Communication skills have always been required. It is important both inside and outside the respective organization. Teamwork and corroboration, as well as professionalism, are other key skills to possess.

Interviewing Skills

Another key skill to have is interview skills, particularly virtual interview skills. As Jason Liu writes, “A large percentage of participants have basic knowledge on interview streams which is an online interview session with employers” (2018). This statement shows just how advanced people have become in subjects that have been around for many years. He went on to say “This trending procedure eliminates the need for traveling and unnecessary time consumption which requires individuals to have the ability to be able to communicate properly with the employer” (2018). This is an example of a skill that has always been required, changing to fit the modern workforce.

References: Liu, J. (2018, September 28). New Jobs. New Skills. [Web log post]. Retrieved from

