This must be a Millennial Decade

Nick Sones
2 min readJun 4, 2020


Governor Tom Wolf (PA) joins the Protests Photo by Dave Fish

While Donald Trump is busy sending American might into the streets because he is afraid of change and, more importantly, people who don’t happen to be white, Trump is attempting to act presidential when in reality, he never had to rise to an occasion. His lack of leadership is on display right now, while the American people are reeling from dealing with economic stagnation, and now what they are seeing is, Americans might turn on their people. Mr. Trump, who can’t grasp the history of our nation, America was founded by a protest, a protest that would lead to a war, and the defeat of British forces. The birth of freedom, and the birth of a new nation. That nation isn’t perfect, and it still isn’t perfect, these protests can show us what needs to occur for our country and us all.

His name was George Floyd Mr. Trump! Black Lives Matter!

There can be no unity until everyone recognizes that America has not lived up to its promises to our minority brothers and sisters. The time for reclaiming the Promise of America is Now! Let’s reclaim the promise of America! The neo-fascists are already at the door, and it’s now up to us. If we fail, may our god(s) have mercy upon our souls, if we win, let justice rain down like holy water.

