Sara, Emma, Cara, Taylor, + Rose

The 5 Interns of a Century

Rachel Klausner
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2019


I’m about to embarrass the 5 most incredible women. Hoping they forgive me 🤞

7 months ago, I had this crazy idea that was really just an idea in my head and not much more. I love working in teams so I decided since I was in college town capital, I’d post an internship opportunity for the spring semester. Little did I know it would completely change the trajectory of Millie.

I gave them each ownership over a domain — both because that’s what we needed and because they were more than capable.

When the semester started we had about a dozen or two nonprofit partnerships. Rose sourced, vetted (she’s a 990 whiz for anyone needing a tutorial 😉), and developed partnerships with another 80+ of the top nonprofits in the US.

Sara started and we had zero social media and no clear art direction. She managed social and developed relationships with influencers to promote Millie. Oh and with hashtags got us intro’d to the incredible team at Giving Tuesday. (I geeked out only slightly when I met them 🤓)

Cara was thrown into the deep end learning tools, building profiles, creating an email program, managing everything product, and somehow also had time to finish school?!!

Taylor rolled with the crazy punches as she helped with investor prep, tried all the crazy ideas I randomly threw at her. Oh, and developed a campus ambassador program getting students from over 40 campuses to apply.

Emma wrote biweekly blog posts, crafted a press release, and sent out personalized emails to a dozen writers she hand selected… which then landed us in Fast Company + Relevant Magazine, with another major publication coming out next month and a TV piece coming soon!!

Blown away by the power of young people.

Definitely learned a lot as an entrepreneur thus far, but most profound has been that if you give people ownership, they will above and beyond deliver.

A few of them already committed to jobs at Wayfair and Tripadvisor. If anyone is looking to hire a thoughtful, hardworking person in fintech, consulting / finance, or creative / agency work, let me know.

Rockstars about to take on the world and I could not be more proud. Congrats to these 5 ladies for graduating from Boston College, Suffolk University, and Boston University!!!

Thank you for everything!! 🙏

