Here’s What Happened the Week of January 22, 2018

Alexis Miller
MILLIE Press Publication
3 min readJan 30, 2018

Lots of great content rolling out from the MILLIE team this week! I won’t spoil all the fun, so scroll down to check it out.

We’ve included links (for easy sharing), the copy for the posts (in case you’ve already used up all your creative juices today), the hashtags (for optimal millennial reach) and the MILLIE logos and branding information (in case you want to feature us on your front page or something).

If you’re one of our partners, please send us what’s been happening in your world lately by emailing me at

Jan. 25, Wednesday — Just For Fun — Fan Photos

Post Copy: Looks like someone is ready for #PCS season! Thanks for sharing @klynbergie! Who else has moving stickers in #funny places? Send us a pic! #MILLIEisEverywhere
#armybrat #stickerseverywhere #pcsseason #gomillie #wepcstoo #january #kids #militarykid #militarylife #pcslife #militaryspouse

Jan. 25, Thursday — MILLIE in the News — NextGen MilSpouse

Post Copy: So cool to see Kellie Artis featured on NextGen MilSpouse! We love having her on the team and her perspective on military spouse employment!

Jan. 25, Thursday — PCS’ing with the Millers — The Farewell Bucket List

Post Copy: Who else makes a #bucketlist for their duty station? What about a Farewell Bucket List? Check out these cool things to do in the #Fayetteville, all of which Alexis plans to do before she PCS’es this summer!

Jan. 23, Tuesday — The Inside Scoop — Eglin AFB

Post Copy: Considering Eglin AFB as your next duty station? Already know you’re headed there? Then this overview of the base is for you! (Don’t forget to share with your friends!)

Jan. 22, Monday — Pinterest Boards — Fort Gordon

Post Copy: PCS’ing to Fort Gordon? Check out our Pinterest board! It has tons of info on the area plus lots of fun weekend activities!

Jan. 23, Tuesday — Pinterest Boards — Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson

Post Copy: PCS’ing to Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson? Click below to discover the area and make weekend plans!

Have a great week everyone!


Bringing Military Families Home

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Alexis Miller
MILLIE Press Publication

Director of Social Media & Digital Marketing @, yogi, adventure enthusiast and milspouse.