Here’s What Happened the Week of January 23, 2017

Alexis Miller
MILLIE Press Publication
5 min readJan 31, 2017

We finally shared Camp Lejeune and New River with the world this week! We also enlightened our audience on why military spouses can’t have it all, played some fun games and gave away tips for making the PCS process easier.

We’ve included links (for easy sharing), the copy for the posts (in case you’ve already used up all your creative juices today), the hashtags (for optimal millennial reach) and the MILLIE logos and branding information (in case you want to feature us on your front page or something).

If you’re one of our partners, please send us what’s been happening in your world lately by emailing me at

Jan. 23, Monday — #IamMILLIE Author — Jeremy Hilton

Post Copy: As a military spouse, have you had trouble finding employment, feel that you’re underemployed, or that your volunteer work isn’t a valued bullet on your resume? Don’t worry — you’re not alone. This week, Jeremy Hilton shares his thoughts on a study illuminating these issues.

Jan. 24, Tuesday — Base Launch (video) — Camp Lejeune

Post Copy: We’re excited to present our latest bases available on the MILLIE site: Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River! Check out these fun facts about the bases and then head over to to learn more about these North Carolina duty stations!
#gomillie #CampLejeune #MCASNewRiver

Jan. 27, Friday — Photographer Spotlight — Aurora Young

Post Copy: We want to give a big shout out to Aurora, our fabulous photographer and Scout for Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River! Her hard work and fantastic images helped bring our base pages alive. Thank you!

If you’re PCS’ing to New River/Lejeune and need some help finding a rental home (and avoiding a bad one!), Aurora can help! Click the following like to connect with her today:

Jan. 26, Thursday — Would You Rather

Post Copy: Hey, the flora and fauna and important things to think about when PCS’ing to your next duty station! Which would you rather find? — -> ←-

Comment below with your answer and then SHARE with your friends and get your own game started!Jan. 23, Monday — What Can MILLIE Do For You?— Installation Guides

Jan. 27, Friday — Base Launch (Infographic) — Camp Lejeune/MCAS New River

Post Copy: Check out these fun facts about Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River! Then share them with your friends! #camplejeune #NewRiver #Marines

Jan. 23, Monday — What Can MILLIE Do For You — Installation Guides

Post Copy: Because sometimes looks ARE everything. Get visuals on your next duty station today:

Jan. 25, Wednesday — Two Truths and A Lie — Camp Lejeune

Post Copy: It’s another edition of Two Truths and A Lie — MILLIE style! Today we’re quizzing you on Camp Lejeune! Can you sniff out which one is the lie? (Psst…you can visit our site for a hint! )

Put your answer in the comments below by Friday at 12 p.m. for the chance to win a MILLIE sticker! A winner will be chosen at random from those who have the right answer. Good luck!

Jan. 25, Wednesday — MILLIE Journal Article — 5 Social Media Hacks for Researching Your Next Move

Post Copy: “5 Social Media Hacks For Researching Your Next Move” — Alexis, Social Media Coordinator at MILLIE —

Jan. 25, Wednesday — Base Launch (image) — Camp Lejeune

Post Copy: Have you been stationed at Camp Lejeune or MCAS New River? Tell me what to loved about being there in the comments below!👇(

#gomillie #mcasnewriver #camplejeune #MILLIEisEverywhere #northcarolina #marines #oorah #marinecorps #nature #PCSing #militarylife #militaryspouse

Jan. 26, Thursday — #IamMILLIE Author — Jeremy Hilton

Post Copy: “My belief is that corporate America and the government appreciates your service, but not enough to give you appropriate credit for it. And while many groups tout that volunteer experiences count towards your resume, I fear that experience doesn’t count for much or certainly less than you think it should.” — Jeremy Hilton #IamMILLIE

Jan. 26, Thursday — Toolkit— School Scope

Post Copy: Interviewing potential schools is a key part of choosing the right one. Learn more about that process at #gomillie

Jan. 26, Thursday — Base Launch (Image) — MCAS New River

Post Copy: “Pardon our noise; it’s the sound of FREEDOM!” I just #love the #MCASNewRiver base motto! Who else has heard #freedom ring while being station at New River? Tell me in the comments below! >>>

#gomillie #northcarolina #camplejeune #marines #MILLIEisEverywhere #military

Jan. 27, Friday — Base Launch (Image) —MCAS New River

Post Copy: I just love this shot from #MCASNewRiver! #nofilter needed for this lovely morning capture.

#gomillie #optoutside #NewRiver #MILLIEisEverywhere #love #morning #Marines #marinecorps #trees

Jan. 27, Friday — #OrdersAreComing

Post Copy: Make a door to door move possible (and remove the need for a pet-friendly hotel) by visiting #OrdersAreComing

Have a great week everyone!


Bringing Military Families Home

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Alexis Miller
MILLIE Press Publication

Director of Social Media & Digital Marketing @, yogi, adventure enthusiast and milspouse.