Here’s What Happened The Week of November 7, 2016

Alexis Miller
MILLIE Press Publication
5 min readNov 15, 2016

Well, election season is finally over. And Veterans Day is already passed as well! But just because the holidays are coming doesn’t mean we’re slowing down. We launched Marine Corps Base Quantico this week, made an appearance on the TeamRWB podcast, and our CEO shared how his military experience helps him be a successful entrepreneur.

We’ve included links (for easy sharing), the copy for the posts (in case you’ve already used up all your creative juices today), the hashtags (for optimal millennial reach) and the MILLIE logos and branding information (in case you want to feature us on your front page or something).

If you’re one of our partners, please send us what’s been happening in your world lately by emailing me at

Nov. 10 — Facebook Live Thursday — How I Applied My Army Experience To My Business

Post Copy: How I Applied My Army Experience To My Business

If you don’t have time to watch the full video, you can check out the recap article here:

Nov. 7, Monday — #IamMILLIE Author — Julie Benson

Post Copy: We’re excited to share today’s #IamMILLIE Monday story from Julie Benson! She writes about how she chose to take the many obstacles in her life and use them to strengthen herself and her family.

#gomillie #obstaclesareopportunities

Nov. 11 — Scout Testimonial — Erica M.

Post Copy: Make your next PCS easier. Hire a Scout!

Nov. 8, Tuesday — Base Launch (hero image) — MCB Quantico

Post Copy: Hey Marine Corps folks! Today we’re launching Marine Corps Base Quantico! Click the link below to find out the best places to live near base, the local commute times, home values and more!
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Nov. 8, Tuesday —MILLIE in the news —Jason on TeamRWB’s podcast “Eagle Nation”

Post Copy: Our COO, Jason, is the latest interviewee on Team Red, White & Blue’s podcast “Eagle Nation.” On the show he talks about his book, the best way civilians can support military members, his views on politics and the military and of course, MILLIE! Make sure to check it out today and give Jason a shout out in the comments below!

#MILLIEisEverywhere #gomillie #TeamRWB

Nov. 8, Tuesday — AgentHero promotion— Funny home listing

Post Copy: A funny real estate listing from one of our fantastic AgentHeroes at Fort Bragg, Amethyst!

If you’re looking to buy or sell a house in the area, you can connect with her here:

Nov. 9, Wednesday — Base Launch (image) — MCB Quantico

Post Copy: We LOVE this shot of #MCBQuantico! ❤ What a cool spot!
Have you been #stationed at Marine Corps Base #Quantico? What’s your favorite spot on base? Comment below!👇


#MILLIEisEverywhere #marinecorps #fowlerhall #gomillie #eastcoast

Nov. 9, Wednesday — MILLIE Press Publication article — 5 Secrets To Discovering Your Duty Station

Post Copy: Getting ready to PCS to a duty station you’ve never been to before? Here are 5 ways to discover your next base before you arrive.

Nov. 7, Monday — Base Launch (image) — MCB Quanitco

Post Copy: Now Available: Information on Marine Corps Base Quantico! Discover commute times, neighborhoods, base info and much more!

~>~>~> <~<~<~

#gomillie #mcbquantico #marines #MILLIEisEverywhere #onceamarine #alwaysamarine #crossroads #eastcoast #quantico #MCB

Nov. 10, Thursday — #IamMILLIE Author —Julie Benson

Post Copy: “As a MILLIE, we move, we make nice, we uproot, we repeat. In between each of those steps, there are a million different forks in the road where we choose our path and make our lives.” — Julie Benson

You can learn more about Julie and her fantastic business at:

#IamMILLIE #militarylife

Nov. 7, Monday — Base Launch (images) — Marine Corps Base Quantico

Post Copy: What’re the three most important things to know about a duty station? Where it’s located, how long it’ll take to commute to base and where the best neighborhoods are. Lucky for you, we’ve covered all three of those things for Marine Corps Base Quantico….and MORE!

Nov. 10, Thursday — Base Launch — MCB Quantico

Post Copy: Happy Birthday Marine Corps! 🎂 Marine Corps Base Quantico is now available on the site! Check the link below to see all the great information we have on the base😉


#MILLIEisEverywhere #mcbquantico #gomillie #Quantico #Marines #HappyBirthday #baselaunch #eastcoast #Virginia

Nov. 11, Friday — Veterans Day — Thanks Vets!

Post Copy: Happy Veterans Day!

We want to give a shout out to two of our favorite #veterans, our #CEO, Ken, and our COO, Jason. The entire team at #MILLIE appreciates the #service and commitment of all veterans out there!

#veteransday #gomillie #cheesin #appreciate

Have a great week everyone!


Bringing Military Families Home

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Alexis Miller
MILLIE Press Publication

Director of Social Media & Digital Marketing @, yogi, adventure enthusiast and milspouse.