Here’s What Happened the Week of October 30, 2017

Alexis Miller
MILLIE Press Publication
5 min readNov 7, 2017

It would seem we only wanted to publish all of our awesome content and news on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week… oh well! It was a great week full of amazing stories, useful content and new opportunities for military spouses. Check it out!

We’ve included links (for easy sharing), the copy for the posts (in case you’ve already used up all your creative juices today), the hashtags (for optimal millennial reach) and the MILLIE logos and branding information (in case you want to feature us on your front page or something).

If you’re one of our partners, please send us what’s been happening in your world lately by emailing me at

Oct. 31, Tuesday — Giveaway Winner — Sesame Street Giveaway

Post Copy: Congrats to our Sesame Street Giveaway winner, Anna T.! We appreciate everyone entering to win this wonderful care package! And thanks again to Sesame Street for Military Families and Sesame Street for donating such a awesome gift.

Nov. 3, Friday — MILLIE Blogger Affiliate Program

Post Copy: For the seasoned affiliate hustler, this program is perfect for sharing valuable information with your network and earning some cash!

Oct. 31, Tuesday — #IamMILLIE Author — Chelsea Mandello

Post Copy: Today’s #IamMILLIE story comes from Chelsea Mandello, the brilliant mind behind Troopster! She talks about her experience in the Navy and how one bad care package from a loving mother inspired her to change the way people send care packages to deployed service members. Click below to read on!

Oct. 31, Tuesday —Happy Halloween!

Post Copy: Have a safe and fun Halloween!

Oct. 31, Tuesday — Guest Post — 8 Halloween Tips for Settling Into Your New Neighborhood

Post Copy: Did you miss our Halloween-themed piece on how to settle into your new neighborhood? Even if you’re not new to your neighborhood, it’s got a killer list of movies to watch on Halloween! Click below to check it out! Thanks for letting us publish on your blog, MilitaryByOwner Advertising, Inc..!

Oct. 31, Tuesday — Hire A Scout

Post Copy: Keep friendships and business separate while you house hunt by hiring a Scout! (Your friends will thank you!) — ->

Oct. 31, Tuesday — Pinterest Boards — Becoming a Landlord

Post Copy: Thinking about becoming a landlord? Check out these helpful tips on our Pinterest board!

Nov. 1, Wednesday — MILLIE Out and About — MilSpouseFest at MCB Quantico

Post Copy: Calling all military spouses in the Quantico/Northern Virginia area! MilSpouseFest is coming to you and MILLIE will be there! Please join us for a day of fun, prizes, food and connections on November 29th, 2017, 9:30 a.m. — 2 p.m. Click the following link to learn more and to register:

Nov. 1, Wednesday — MILLIE Out and About — Military Spouse Wellness Summit

Post Copy: Registration to the Military Spouse Wellness Summit opens today! MILLIE is excited to participate in this event. Last year’s event want amazing and empowering, and we encourage all of you to sign up today (and take advantage of early bird pricing for the VIP spots). This is an event that you won’t want to miss — and it all takes place online!

Nov. 1 Wednesday —MILLIE Content Build — 400 Spouses

Post Copy: We did more than just “Google” each duty station for information. We held focus groups across the country! Discover the difference at!

Nov. 2, Thursday — #IamMILLIE Author — Chelsea Mandello

Post Copy: “HECK YES, call me MILLIE and color me proud to be in the camo community.” — Chelsea Mandello, CEO of Troopster

Chelsea shares her story about founding Troopster on the MILLIE Journal this week, and in the process reveals that she, too, embodies the spirit of#IamMILLIE!

Nov. 3, Friday — MILLIE Content Build — Commute Times

Post Copy: Accurate commute times are a major factor when deciding where to rent or buy a home. So we provided them right in our Installation Guides! Check them out today at!

Have a great week everyone!


Bringing Military Families Home

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Alexis Miller
MILLIE Press Publication

Director of Social Media & Digital Marketing @, yogi, adventure enthusiast and milspouse.