Interview with Mayank Agarwal | CEO & Co-Founder of Curefy

Samuel Jay Calvo
Million Rising
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2016

First of all, kindly tell us something about yourself? (things like your hobbies, educational background, interests etc.)

I’m an Engineer and MBA, very much into Astronomy and Astrophysics. Extremely interested in improving access to healthcare for everyone around the world

What was your career before Curefy was founded?

Running a hardware startup making customised mobile phones using 3D printing technologies

Can you tell me a little more about Curefy?

We offer Immediate medical consultations by general practitioners 24x7 free of charge for everyone

Who is/are part of building/founding it?

I am the Founder and CEO if this venture. We have a strong team consisting of Engineers and Doctors that take care of the company

What was technically the most challenging part of putting up this platform?

Healthcare Data has to be more secure and private than otherwise. That prevents us from just picking up and plugging together existing solutions in every case. We have to design systems from scratch ourselves in many cases.

How did you get the funding? Is it just from your funds? or you have partners/investors?

We are just using our funds and revenues to power this venture at this time

Free, Immediate Doctor Consultation, 24x7. Amazing! How did you get the idea of putting up this kind of platform? Do you have any motivation?

When one has any health concern, the time to get medical advice is then, not later at a time when a Doctor’s appointment is available. We strongly believe that we can help avoid many issues from becoming big just because patients thought that its no big deal and does not warrant medical attention.

Briefly, can you tell us how it works?

Well, you download an android app, sign up using your phone number and press the big green button. A Doctor will call you in the next 10 seconds.

What are your plans in the future? Do you vision to introduce Curefy worldwide?

Yes absolutely. We are already talking to patients from 120 countries. we cant help everyone with prescriptions and specific advise because of the regulatory framework around the world. We are working on onboarding Doctors from countries where we are seeing traction so that we can help patients there better.

Your app can be downloadable on Google Apps and AppStore right? I’m just curious if how would you make money by providing free access on the app?

Its only on the Google Play store at the moment. We will make money by helping patients through their care journey

In one word, how would you describe Curefy?


On your opinion, how did Curefy changed the lives of people in Inida?

Its early to say that we have had a massive impact, however we have eased access to a medical opinion for a lot of people in this country.

