Interview with the CEO of OrangeApps Ph | Gian Scottie Javelona

Samuel Jay Calvo
Million Rising
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2016

This is an interview with the Steve Jobs of the Philippines, Gian Javenola, the Chief Visionary and Founder of OrangeApps Inc. It’s a web and mobile platform that allows schools to manage it’s entire operation using an end to end solution from online enrollment,tuition fee monitoring,class scheduling, online learning and a whole lot more. Schools will now be able to save time, money and focus more on providing better education. At the age of 19, he founded the very first school portal mobile application during his junior year at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines.

OrangeApp is funded by Ideaspace Foundation, the Leading Incubator and Accelerator in the Philippines which supports other 28 startups as well, Microsoft Corporation and other Angel Investors from the Philippines.

Sam: I want us to start by asking how do you learn?
Gian: I read books every single day and I need to finish 2 books a month, I also watch TED videos everyday, night before I sleep.

Sam: Tell me a little about how OrangeApps started?
Gian: It was my dream since highschool, I always tell my classmates about my idea but they were just laughing at me, then when I went to college, I started learning programming through Youtube videos. Because I have this problem on my University that we need to fall in line for how many hours just to get our school information, I decided to create my own app that will make our lives easier.

Sam: How did you have the idea?
Gian: Because of the headache that I experience every day at school.

Sam: How did you come up with the name?
Gian: I really admire Apple and it comes to my mind that if there’s an Apple company in the US, there should be an Orange company in the Philippines.

Sam: Where did you start programming it? (Literally the place where you first started)
Gian: In my bedroom!

Sam: What motivates you to build it? Your inspiration?
Gian: I want to make my life easier as a student and have the convenience to just push a button and instantly get everything what I need (as a student). I realized that my problem is also the same problem of 90% of the schools in the Philippines, so I decided to build a company inspired to that problem. Another reason why i’m doing this is because it’s my passion to build products and I also believe that by doing this, I can inspire my generation to build companies as well.

Sam: What was technically the most challenging part of developing OrangeApps?
Gian: Building our Algorithm for the school, we want to make our platform powerful by providing feedback to students enrollment status or their performance.

Sam: How long did it take to put together OrangeApps?
Gian: We just turned 3 years old last March.

Sam: What is the hurdle you have faced or are still facing?
Gian: Finding the best people.

Sam: What is your current vision for OrangeApps?
Gian: We want to change the way how people learns.

Sam: Where do you see OrangeApps in 5 years time?
Gian: IPO (Initial Public Offering) in the Philippine stock market.

Sam: What are you most excited about at the moment?
Gian: I believe were on the perfect timing because eductech is picking up already in the Philippines.

Sam: How has the startup impacted your family, social life, or relationships?
Gian: I’m very lucky that I have very supportive parents and friends. I think I became a better person because of OrangeApps.

Sam: How have you changed as a result?
Gian: I became more aware that life has a bigger purpose, you can build something that allows thousands of people to use it and help them solve their problems because of what you build that gave me the thirst to become an entrepreneur.

Sam: What was the first experience in your life when you realized you had the power to do something meaningful?
Gian: It made me feel that I have the power to make things just like a magician it’s really amazing to turn ideas into realities.

Sam: In one word, describe yourself.
Gian: Builder.

Sam: In one word, describe OrangeApps.
Gian: Innovation.

Sam: In one sentence, how would you market OrangeApps?
Gian: We are the SAP for schools and we provide the best tools to make there lives easier so that they can focus more on giving better education.

Sam: What advice would you offer to any soon to be startup founders out there?
Gian: Focus on results.

Sam: What is your self-motto in life?
Gian: Never give up.

Sam: Do you have any message for aspiring CEO’s?
Gian: Just do it!

Javelona’s work has been featured by numerous local and international medias like Bloomberg, TV5, TechInAsia, Founders Grid, E27, ANC Alerts and Rappler Philippines. He’s also been a spotlight with periodicals like Meg Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, Manila Bulletin and The Philippine Star. Indeed, a number of schools/colleges in the Philipines are already using OrangeApps like the Global Innovative College and Marian School of Quezon City. In addition, he now also became an active speaker with various I.T. events. Gian continues to explore more as he inspires not only the Filipino’s but also all aspiring people dreaming to become a successful entrepreneur.

